This is [ your call], net control station for the Kalamazoo County ARPSC net.

The purposes of this net are to disseminate information, provide equipment checks and operator training.

This net meets on Wednesday evening at 19:30 Hours local time on the 147.00 repeater. If the 00 repeater is unavailable, the net will meet on the 147.04 repeater or on simplex.

Immediately following this net there will be a simplex radio test on _____________.

Net control has the following announcements :______________________.

If there are any stations with announcements concerning upcoming meetings, training, or public service activities, please check in at this time…

{ Take check-ins and let them make their announcements. }

Net control is now taking general check-ins for the Kalamazoo County ARPSC net.

Please call [your call] at this time…

{Take general check-ins and solicit comments.}

If there are no further stations for this net, please follow net control to (simplex freq_ for a simplex radio test.

This is [your call] securing the net on this repeater and QSY to ( the simplex of your choosing )Mhz.

(common simplex channels are 146.52, 146.43, 147.47)

Conduct simplex test from net check-in list. Give log to NK8X or N8HAL.